Dog Training Classes and Offerings
HAWS offers a variety of classes focused on using positive reinforcement to train your dog!
If you have any questions, please check out the FAQ's at the bottom of the page or contact [email protected].

Advanced Manners
Classes for dogs that have completed both Basic Manners 1 and 2 or an equivalent.

Agility Offerings
Agility classes for dogs at least 10 months old and agility rentals times.

1-Day Seminars
Discover new ways to engage your dog with enrichment, play, and people!
Check out the HAWS Virtual Training Classes!
Training Class FAQ's
I didn't adopt from HAWS, can I still sign up for classes?
Yes, our classes are open to all dogs that are suitable for group classes.
What kind of training techniques are used in classes?
In every class that we offer we use positive reinforcement. We do not use or allow bark collars, shock collars, or any techniques that utilize fear in orr to train your dog.
It says I need a front clip harness for class, what does that mean?
Here at HAWS, we prefer the use of front clip harnesses. These harnesses are great for dogs that like to pull while on leash. These harnesses also have a back clip for smaller dogs that do not pull as much. If you have a current harness that is fine to use . If you have any questions about the harnesses, please email [email protected].
I bought a harness online and was sent a coupon that I cannot open now. What do I do?
Harness coupons are a one-time open/use product. If you have opened it once before but did not print it off, please email [email protected] so that they can make a note that you have already ordered a harness.
How much are classes and how long do they run for?
Classes vary in price from $125-$250. We offer basic classes but also specialty classes that will be a little more expensive. Classes typically range from 6-8 weeks. Some sessions will have a skip day where there is no class or may be cancelled due to weather which will elongate the duration of the class.
Can I bring a second person with me?
HAWS allows up to 2 people in a class with their dog.
Can I bring my kids with me?
HAWS will allow children 9 years and up. If you have younger kids, they need to be able to occupy themselves during class without being distracting or they need to participate in the training of the dog.
What should I do if I miss a class?
Please notify [email protected] that you will miss a class. It is then your responsibility to follow along in the curriculum for the class that you missed. We do not offer makeup classes.
I was supposed to receive a curriculum before class but I can't find it?
All curriculums are sent right away at the time of purchase. Please look back in your email to find that curriculum. If it is not in your inbox, junk, or trash please email [email protected] to receive the curriculum.
I heard that there are some new class offerings and openings, but I can't find them on the website. Where can I find more information on these classes?
We are always working to offer the greatest variety of classes that we can. Some of our classes aren't offered as often as others due to the special nature of the class. If you are looking for more information on all of our classes you can reach out to [email protected] to get more information.