Canine Good Citizen: March 5


6 week CGC class for dogs over 1 year old.


HAWS -Main Shelter - 701 Northview Road, Waukesha

Date & Time

Wednesday, March 5 - April 9

American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizenship Program (CGC) at SCA 

The AKC CGC Program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. It promotes responsible pet ownership and training for appropriate behavior.

Prerequisites: Completion of Basic Manners – Level 1 AND Basic Manners – Level 2, or equivalent (not puppy classes), AND dog is at least one year old at completion of class.

There is an additional fee of $10 for the CGC evaluation test (optional) to be paid later. Due to scheduling, please understand that the test day or test evening may be a different day of the week or time from your class day/time. This will be shared with each class as early as possible for planning.

A front-clip harness is required. 

HAWS follows CDC guidelines regarding masks and social distancing for all humans in attendance.    

HAWS Behavior Dept. Policies  

Please read and review HAWS Behavior Department Policies and Terms before registering your pet. If you understand and agree to all the terms, proceed with check out. 

Vaccination records are required BEFORE the start of the class. Please email records to [email protected] or upload them here:

Thank you!


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HAWS, Breeder, Other Rescue, Other
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Such as medical conditions, behavioral issues or accommodations needed.
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