Puppy Party - August 25


30 minute puppy play group for ages 8-20 weeks.


HAWS Main Shelter - 701 Northview Road, Waukesha

Date & Time

Sunday, August 25| Select Time Below

Puppy Party!

Help your puppy develop crucial interactive skills that will aid them in staying socialized into adulthood. Interactive play is also a great way for your puppy to burn excess energy, leading to a more focused dog during training.

Puppy parties are for puppies ages 8 – 20 weeks. For smaller breeds or those puppies that are a bit shy, a separate play space will be provided. 

We are only allowing one person per dog to attend the party!

HAWS follows CDC guidelines regarding face masks and social distancing for humans in attendance. One human per puppy allowed.

HAWS Behavior Dept. Policies  

Please read and review HAWS Behavior Department Policies and Terms before registering your pet. If you understand and agree to all the terms, proceed with check out. 

Vaccination records are required BEFORE the start of the class. Please email records to [email protected] or upload them here: https://hawspets.org/vaccinations/.  Thank you!

To protect the health of puppies and people who participate in our community Puppy Parties, you must submit vaccination records prior to the start of Puppy Parties. Required vaccinations for participation include parvovirus, distemper and bordetella. Puppies under the age of 20 weeks are not required to have had a rabies vaccination. If there is a medical reason why your puppy could not be vaccinated, please provide a waiver from your veterinarian in lieu of a vaccination certificate. 

Bordetella Waiver (Optional): I understand that Bordetella (Kennel Cough) is a recommended vaccine for any dog coming in close contact with other dogs.  I have chosen not to give my pet a Bordetella vaccine. I fully understand the risks of attending a dog training class at the Humane Animal Welfare Society facility. I will not hold HAWS accountable for any illness incurred during the dog training class sessions.

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Must be 8-20 weeks.
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Such as medical conditions, behavioral issues or accommodations needed.
Only for those not vaccinating against Bordetella.